Name of the beneficiary: ZEUS Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: Loan program for the technological modernization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with identification number GINOP-8.3.5-18/B
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 83,000,000
Description of the contents of the project:
The purpose of the Loan Program is to finance stock purchases and operating costs necessary to ensure the smooth operation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, for which the costs can be accounted for based on the product description.
Closing date of the project according to the plans: 15.01.2028
Project ID:GINOP-8.3.5-18/B
Name of the beneficiary: Zeus Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: Energy modernization of the building of Zeus Exhausts Kft. with a solar system
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 9,417,078
Extent of funding: 55%
Description of the contents of the project:
162 pieces of 370 Wp solar cells model Longi 370M have been installed as part of the grant project on the roof area of the building to be found at our premises in 8800 Nagykanizsa, Sörgyár utca 3808. Owing to the project, 71% of the energy demand for manufacturing metal parts, metal legs and metal frames for the furniture industry will be covered. The complete roof area of the factory has been utilized for this project.
Closing date of the project according to the plans: 13/9/2021
Project ID: GINOP-4.1.4-19-2020-03081
Within the scope of Interreg Hungary-Croatia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2014 – 2020
the Light Project 2018-LPP1-010 = Metal is our passion –’T’ straight line will be implemented.
Project partners: ZEUS Exhausts Kft. - ZGR Kovačić
Project duration: 1/5/2019 – 31/10/2020
Total project budget: € 320,030.79
EU co-financing: € 240,225.59
Project goal:
The project partners have recognized the necessity of co-operation and a new product offering in the market of the furniture industry. ZEUS Kft. has developed the special metal profile “T straight line” for furniture manufacturing within the scope of the joint project. By using this profile, distortion of table surfaces made of solid wood of 2-3m2 in size can be averted.
By integrating the “T straight line” element, the original manufacturing parameters and the aesthetic appearance of the tables can be preserved under any climatic and various humidity condition. Within the scope of the project partnership, the company ZGR Kovačić applies a new technology for chrome-plating of metal parts for the furniture industry. The trivalent chromium technology is a novelty in the Croatian market.
The product, which has been developed together, has become an essential component in manufacturing solid wood furniture.
Project activities:
Serial production of “T straight line” is based upon technological developments which require the procurement of various implements by both project partners. ZEUS Exhausts Kft. will purchase punch presses. They will be installed in the new production hall which will be constructed within the scope of the project. ZGR Kovačić will change its chrome plating technique. This is considered the best available technology (BAT) – the new generation of trivalent chromium plating. As a result of the new finish, the aesthetic quality of the products will be improved. During the new process of electroplating, air pollution will be reduced and hexavalent chromium will completely disappear from waste water, thus complying with the regulations of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
Through the innovations, both partners will increase their productivity along with savings in electricity consumption and a decrease in the costs of waste management. The working environment will be improved, whereby workplaces with a higher level of occupational safety can be created for the employees.
A cross-border region, where rivers are connecting instead of separating.
Name of the beneficiary: Zeus Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: Implementation of in-house training at Zeus Exhausts Kft.
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 14,903,380
Extent of funding: 100%
Description of the contents of the project:
Implementation of the project of ID GINOP-6.1.6-17-2018-00867 took place at the Nagykanizsa premises of Zeus Exhausts Kft. within the scope of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme with the help of EU funding. The goal of the project was to implement internal training.
Activities carried out within the scope of the support programme:
Drafting a training roadmap
Hiring a project manager
Carrying out training sessions:
– General understanding of quality management systems
– ICT in everyday life
– IT preparations for INDUSTRY 4.0
Organization and performance of work will be more efficient through the activities which have been carried out. Competitiveness of the company will be increased. This helps in job retention and gives the company the opportunity to further develop and expand.
Actual completion date: 2020.10.31.
Project identification number: GINOP-6.1.6-17-2018-00867
Implemented activities:
Project ID Name of the approved training License number Number of participants Hours
GINOP-6.1.6-17-2018-00867 IPAR 4.0 IT preparatory training E-001775/2018/D002 9 participants 60 hours
GINOP-6.1.6-17-2018-00867 ICT in everyday life E-000334/2014/D004 25 participants 120 hours
GINOP-6.1.6-17-2018-00867 General quality management knowledge E-000334/2014/D006 6 participants 21 hours
2020: Within the scope of Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2014-2020, extension of the production hall by 504m2 and procurement of punch presses will be carried out.
Name of the beneficiary: Zeus Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: Generation of new production capacities in combination with job creation at Zeus Exhausts Kft.
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 49,465,665
Extent of funding: 45%
Description of the contents of the project:
By implementing the project ID GINOP-1.2.2- 15-2015- 00856, capacity expansion took place at the Nagykanizsa premises of Zeus Exhausts Kft. within the scope of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme.
Means of production which have been procured:
Plasma cutter model BPL-H 1503, edge preparation machine model SMA 50-E22- 45L/R6,
grinding and polishing machine model MD4-CVC 1150
Investments in the infrastructure in connection with the procurement: assembling current measurement with current transformer, installation of a main distributor for current, basic charge for connection to the electrical grid. Due to the investment in capacity expansion, manufacturing the products without the involvement of external resources could be implemented. In this way, the value added is increasing and manufacturing complete products instead of partial processes has been made possible. In addition to the existing product portfolio, manufacturing new products has also been made possible through this investment. Thus, the market share and sales incomes will also grow. Owing to the new capacities, three new jobs could be created.
Effective closing date of the project: 21/3/2017
Project ID: GINOP-1.2.2- 15-2015- 00856
Name of the beneficiary: Zeus Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: Introduction of flextime work schedule at Zeus Exhausts Kft.
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 10,210,416
Extent of funding: 100%
Description of the contents of the project:
Implementation of the project of ID GINOP-5.3.2-16-2016-00006 took place at the Nagykanizsa premises of Zeus Exhausts Kft. within the scope of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme with the help of EU funding. The goal of the project was to introduce flexible family-friendly forms of employment.
Activities carried out within the scope of the support programme:
Consulting related to the remodelling of fields of work and introduction of a flexible form of employment. Training for managers related to the remodelling of fields of work and introduction of a flexible form of employment, individual and team coaching as well as workshops. Training for employees related to the remodelling of fields of work and introduction of a flexible form of employment as well as workshops. We have hired a workplace mentor and purchased implements which are needed for the introduction of the flexible form of employment.
Organization and performance of work will be more efficient through the development measures. Harmony and communication among employees will improve. Work-life balance will improve with respect to the whole workforce.
Closing date of the project according to the plans: 31/3/2018
Project ID: GINOP-5.3.2-16-2016-00006
Name of the beneficiary: Zeus Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: Generation of new production capacities in combination with job creation at Zeus Exhausts Kft.
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 39,626,752
Extent of funding: 45%
Description of the contents of the project:
By implementing the project ID GINOP-1.2.2-16-2017-00472, capacity expansion took place at the Nagykanizsa premises of Zeus Exhausts Kft. within the scope of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme.
Means of production which have been procured:
Screw compressor model MSK-ST 07/10-KT-250BC, vacuum lifting device model VLA6F-1,0, 6-axle hydraulic CNC edge press model AHPS 31240-D, welding table model S16 Professional 750, robotic welding cell model FD-B4L 1GM/2dm, spot welding machine
Six different machines have been procured within the scope of the project. They contribute collectively and individually to the expansion of our manufacturing capacities. Manufacturing new products also for our existing customers has been made possible through this investment. Quality and quantities of the products manufactured will be raised significantly, leading to an increase in the production volume in terms of the domestic market and the export sales alike. Owing to the new capacities, two new jobs could be created.
Effective closing date of the project: 7/5/2018
Project ID: GINOP-1.2.2-16-2017-00472
Name of the beneficiary: Zeus Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: Increasing the competitiveness of Zeus Exhausts Kft. through adaptive technological innovation
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 14,999,886
Extent of funding: 49%
Description of the contents of the project:
By implementing the project ID GINOP-2.1.8-17-2017-00990, capacity expansion took place at the Nagykanizsa premises of Zeus Exhausts Kft. within the scope of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme.
Means of production which have been procured:
• mechanical sheet rolling machine model MH
• CNC lathe model Doosan Lynx 2100A
• hydraulic semi-automated band saw model CARIF 450 BSA
Three different machines have been procured within the scope of the project. They contribute collectively and individually to the expansion of our manufacturing capacities. This investment offers great potentials for the company in the short, medium and long run. The risk of being exposed to the market can be reduced by shortening the production chain. The process of production will be shorter and one can act more precisely when accepting orders of customers. The product portfolio can be extended due to the new machines, thus creating new market opportunities. This is how more framework agreements for purchases and supplies can be concluded and new elements can be added to the existing ones – to our business partners’ satisfaction. Existing jobs can saved.
Effective closing date of the project: 16/10/2018
Project ID: GINOP-2.1.8-17-2017-00990
Name of the beneficiary: Zeus Exhausts Kft.
Title of the project: IT development at ZEUS Exhausts Kft.
The amount of grant as stipulated in the contract: HUF 11,077,600
Extent of funding: 40%
Description of the contents of the project:
Size and course of operations of the company have reached a level which does not allow the management of its external and internal processes any more without modern integrated IT systems at an adequate speed and with adequate transparency. One of the essential opportunities for improving operating efficiency is to use a modern ERP system which provides a uniform framework for the courses of operations of the company. The circumstances at our company and its dynamic development require the introduction of a uniform IT system, according to today’s expectations, instead of the existing island-like applications.
The MobilSzla ERP System, developed and distributed by the company Rooter Fejlesztő Kft., has been introduced within the scope of the project. During the implementation of the project, the experts of the company evaluated the current business processes, elaborated the necessary procedures and functionalities and carried out the installation as well as interface adaptation of the system. Following the creation of a database and the database migration, the users received all necessary information about the use of the system in training sessions.
The ERP system introduced covers almost every field of the company operations. It manages the customers, sales, purchases, logistics, stock-keeping, and manufacturing. It gives information to the management about the efficiency and results of the course of operations, supports planning and managing tasks, makes remote access possible and supports teamwork. Owing to state-of-the-art methods, it also makes storing and archiving documents possible.
Introduction of the ERP system contributes to the enhancement of the efficiency of the financial management of the company. This plays a role in the sales incomes and in growing business results alike. By using the IT systems put into operation, the company can react more quickly and efficiently to the market challenges. In addition, it can reach the goals set by the company owner and its employees more successfully.
Effective closing date of the project: 1/10/2019
Project ID: GINOP-3.2.2-8-2-4-16-2018-01137