About the use of cookies
(For information, instead of the English term "cookie", it uses the generally accepted translation in Hungarian, the word "süti".)
When defining the requirements for cookies, we took into account the applicable legal regulations a NAIH resolutionand the Data Protection Working Group established according to Article 29 of the EC Data Protection Directive 2012/4. opinion noeat too.
Types of cookies used:
1. "Technically necessary" cookies
Our websites cannot function without them, so we definitely need to store them. These are the following:
1.1. cookies that store data recorded by the user ("user-input cookies"),
These are the session cookies that we use to ensure the user's data inputs during the exchange of messages with the service provider. They are based on a session ID (a random temporary ID number) and expire at the end of the session (when you exit the browser program) at the latest.
These cookies are linked to the user's activity (such as clicking a button or filling out a form),they are clearly necessary to provide the internet service specifically requested by the user.
1.2. authentication session cookies
Authentication cookies are used to identify the user upon login. These cookies are necessary so that users can identify themselves during their repeated visits to the website and gain access to authorized content, such as checking their account balance, transactions, etc. Authentication cookies are usually session cookies. Persistent cookies may also be used, but they are not considered the same, as explained below. When a user logs in, they specifically request access to the content or service they are authorized to use. In the absence of the authentication token stored in the cookie, the user would have to enter his username/password on every retrieved page. Therefore, the authentication service is an essential part of the service related to the information society that it specifically requested. We do not use the authentication for any other secondary purposes – such as behavioral tracking or advertising without consent.
1.3. user-centric security cookies
Cookies designed for specific tasks related to strengthening the security of the service specifically requested by the user. These include, for example, cookies that are used to detect repeated unsuccessful login attempts to the website, or other similar mechanisms designed to protect the login system against abuse. Although login cookies are usually set to expire at the end of the session (when you exit the browser), security cookies are expected to expire longer in order to achieve their security purpose.
1.4. multimedia player session cookies
Multimedia player session cookies are used to store the technical data required for the playback of video or audio content, such as image quality, network connection speed and buffering parameters. These cookies expire when the session ends (when you exit the browser).
1.5. load balancing session cookies
Load balancing allows a single machine location to be distributed among many computers to process requests to the web server. This control must be maintained throughout the session, the sole purpose of the information included in the cookie is to identify the server-side endpoint of the communication (one of the servers in the computer set).
1.6. user interface customization cookies
Cookies that help customize the user interface are used to store user preferences related to the service through web pages that are not linked to other permanent identifiers, such as a username. (For example, cookies related to the desired language, cookies related to the desired display form of results during queries).
1.7. Social sharing cookies
They allow users of the social network to share the content they like with their friends. These cookies are deleted when the user "logs out" of the social network platform or closes the browser.
2. Cookies required for "convenience services"
Cookies with such purposes are not considered "absolutely necessary" for the provision of services specifically requested by the user, therefore separate approval is required for their use.
2.1. Social Content Sharing Tracking Cookies
If members of social networks have approved "tracking" in the settings of the given social network while logged in, for example to display behavior-based advertising.
2.2. External advertisement
These include third-party operational cookies used in the course of advertising, including frequency maximization, financial logging, advertising partnerships, click fraud detection, research, market analysis, product improvement and debugging.
2.3. My Visit Analytics
The visit analysts use statistical tools and cookies to measure website visits. We use these tools to estimate the number of unique visitors, to identify the most frequently used keywords on search engines that lead to the given website, and to track certain web navigation questions. They only serve purposes related to our own aggregated statistics, so that our web pages can serve the needs of visitors faster and more accurately.
Help for setting cookies:
Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en , or chrome://settings/content/cookies
Edge: Settings -> Advanced settings -> Cookies ("Allow cookies" / "Block all cookies" / "Block external cookies only" or: F12 - Troubleshooter - Cookies
IE11: https://support.microsoft.com/hu-hu/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies ; https://support.microsoft.com/hu-hu/help/260971/description-of-cookies
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/hu/kb/sutik-engedelizeze-es-tiltasa-amit-weboldak-haszn